Her eyes and… other things; Shorter story 2024.

Did she love me as she alleged? Did she remember the long love messages we wrote to each other? Did she know how long I sat to the table writing her, and how much I spent of ether moments to apostrophize her? Oh! She is supposed to have been sunk in her inordinate life, which is full of wishes, eroticism and lusts… nothing meant anything to her, while she was silently falling to the hell.

Memories… yes I am recalling memories; sometimes-in high voice. Nothing remained for me that I might fear to lose. The vision is now conspicuous and everything is clear. They are talking about her beauty, magic and excitement, about her eyes and other things… Do you know! It is the same old gate where I joined her world. I still remember that very clearly "her eyes are her gate to herself" to life of eroticism, disorder and destruction. Did I be heedless to that extent? No, but I, like the others, when I joined her false world, I was seeking a woman, a genuine female and femininity behind that veil of magic, illusion and phantom. I was seeking a genuine love; a warm soul where I can rest to it; and we can cushion our hopes and agonies and sleep in peace. I did not think of an inordinate breast, a comfortable bosom or deep kisses.

When I heard the news a bout her suicide when they found her body inside a room in a five-star hotel, a black naked body as if she was created now; uncovered, except of remainders of mortification and obscenity, I became so sad… I wept not because she left me a message, which they found, between her fingers over her chest, apologizing to me, repenting her one and only love and asking forgiveness of her disloyalty for me, but because she really dug some good things in my inners. The moments we spent at the beginning of our life before leaving her, are still graven in my inners. Moreover, when I lost those faithful tears against my will, they were really a gratitude for these moments of happiness – the only in my life – which we spent together.

However, I wander if we shall recall such memories especially after she departed forever to the hell together with all her world, her eyes and other things

More things 4 ur home 2024.

السلآم عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته pb189
هلا والله .. كيف حالكم ؟ pb189
الموضوع عن اشياءات في المنزل وعن البيت..
اتمنى تنال رضاكم وتحوز على اعجابكم ..و تستفيدون منها bp039
انا نزلت قبل جزئين وكنت ناويه انزل الثالث بس الجزئين كانت مقفله فاخذت صور الجزئين اللي فاتوا وزدت عليها صور كثيره: D
بسمه تعالى
اول واجهه ..
من زاويه اخرى ..
من زاويه اخرى ..
وهذا المدخل حقه .. بس الباب صغيير ..pb093 اكيد مو المدخل الرئيسي
وهذا شكل البيت من برا من احد الجوانب ..
وهذا البيت ناقصه مسبح وتكبير للجلسه ..:D
منزل اخر ..
هذا البيت حلو بس لو يكبّر الباب يصير احلآآ..:)
خلصنا من الواجهات ..
نبدا بالمجالس والصالات وغرف الطعام ..
شفتوا صوره اول بيت .. اذا فتحتوا الباب تشوفون ..
وهذا ممر يؤدي الى جلسه في احد زوايا لصاله pb058
زووووووم .. حلوه بس مساحتها صغيره يبغى لها تكبير ..pb058
امممم شفتو اذا عطيتو الجلسه اللي قبل ضهركم .. بتلقون ع الجهه اليسار هذي الجلسه الانيقه:D
وهذي صاله مرتبه ..:) بس صغيره و ناقصها شئ اقصد اشياءات..
صاله .. هالشئ الازرق اللي ورا وشو ..؟؟!!:confused:pb036
هذي غرفه طعام تكفي حموله 😀
ما اعجبتني بس فيها شئ حلو ..:D
لم تعجبني الإضاءه..pb093 واصلا بتصير ممله اذا دايم تاكل/ين
نروح نغسل ..:)
لهلا صار فيني وريكون مسابح pb189
اول شي .. هايدا ما اعجبني اللوكيشن حؤو ولا شكلوه ولا حجموه pb093 باختصار ما اعجبني بنووب ..
بس هون في المساء صاير شكلوه احلا بوااجد ..ما كانوه اللي ابل
لو انه اعرض من تسذا تسان صار احسن..:)
soo smallpb093 I don’t like it pb093
I like this pb189pb030 << ككككللللوووش اخيرا 😀
The same house..pb189 but this thing ” round ” I don’t like itpb093
We finished round about Swimming Pools..let’s going up:)
Let’s start with the bedrooms pb189 << اترك التعليق لكم
اهم شئ انها مطله على مسبح..pb189
حلوه بس صغيره فالاشياء صايره زحمه ..
ما اعجبني لونها ابدا ..
لازم نسوي فيها تعديلات واولها مكان السرير ..
مرتبه ..bp039
حلــوه كتير بس طبعا يبغى لها تعديل واحد في السرير لم يعجبني .. pb093 << حتى هذا لازم تغيرين فيه .؟؟:@
غرفـه 🙂
شوفوا المنظر اللي تطل عليه :sm1: << مو زينا على جدار الجيرانpb131
ممر يؤدي الى شئ ما ..:D
غرفه ..:)
هالشئ اعجبني واعجبتني الفكره .. ويكفي لونه pb189pb030
وهذا سقف بيت جدتي ..:D
سقفون اخرون ..:D
بعد صقفون اخرون 😀
ها انا قد انتهيت من كتابه موضوعي المتواضع ..pb094
شكرا لكل من ساعدني .. وشكرا لك Ms.candy
تقبلوا تحياتي ..pb189

The most wonderful things in the world 2024.

what’s the most wonderful thing in the world ? is’t the plane which flies much faster than any bird ? is’t the wireless than carries your voice across the world quicker than the blink of an eye-lid ? is’t the giant tree that has lived for a thousand years، or the great telescope which teaches us the mysteries of the sun and the stars ? is’t the computer، satellite TV channels، the mobile phone or the internet ? no ! it’s something nearer to you than that، something you meet and live with and care for every day … it’s yourself ! the muscles with which you move، the bones that keep them in place، the blood which brings them into energy، the network of telephones and messengers which guide them and the great central control station of the brain … these are the most wonderful things in the world
All living creatures، including us، are made first of all from a soft jell-like substance called protoplasm. it’s something referred to as the essence of life. At least three quarters of this substance consists of water، and it’surprising to think، when we consider how strong and solid our bodies are، that if we could separate the water from them we should have only one quarter left.


i hope you like it
Accept my Regards
