Why do we have honeymoons 2024.


Honeymoons are as much a part of any weddings
as the wedding preparation
and the wedding day itself.
It is usually included in the budgeting
and planning of a wedding that,
for most, weddings are never complete without a honeymoon.



Honeymoon is said to have originated
from the Norse people where the husband-to-be

Abducts the bride from a nearby village.
He then takes her into hiding
for some time without her family knowing where she is.
Only his friends know where
they are and give the bride’s family
the assurance they need that she is fine.
Once her family stops searching for her,
the new husband and wife then return
to their people with a child growing in her belly



Generally, the newlyweds have their honeymoon
right after their wedding
as their own and private celebration of their union and their life together.
The honeymoon is typically a trip spent together
in a place away from their home for the purpose of seclusion and intimacy.
This also serves as a rest period after
all the hassles and headaches
that come with the wedding preparation
and the anxiety and excitement of the wedding day itself.
It is the perfect opportunity
for the newlyweds to spend time with each other
away from their usual lives,
and it will be a start for them in getting to know each other better.

Favorite Honeymoon Spots


As this is a considered a part of the wedding process,
the couple either saved up for the honeymoon
or received a honeymoon trip
as a gift from their parents or close friends.
The most common and favorite destinations of newlyweds
are the beaches and resorts in famous spots like
Hawaii and the Mediterranean.
Some couples take cruises and enjoy
quality time spent lazing around
and enjoying each other’s company.
Going to Mexico and enjoying its rich cultural heritage is also a favorite among newlyweds.


Life After the Weddingand honeymoon

..It does not matter
if the newlyweds went on a honeymoon or not.
It does not make or break a marriage.
In fact, honeymoon does not mean
that you have to be in exotic places to enjoy each other’s company.
Take the intimacy honeymoon connotes
into your busy daily lives
and treat your every day life like it is still the honeymoon phase of your marriage


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