True friends 2024.


[Good FRIENDS are hard to find, harder to leave, and impossible to forget]




[Good friends are like STARS You don’t always see them, but you know they are ALWAYS

Most people walk in and out of your life, but only FRIENDSleave footprints in your hear
True friends will always stay with you,
Through good times and through bad.
They’ll take the time to listen

True Love 2024.

If you tasted true love, this means you tasted the best feeling in the world
Cuz it’s not just a feeling…it’s a collection of so many gathered noble meanings

True love means care.. you care about me… u keep calling when iam out until u
Know iam home…u ask me to sleep well and not forget to pray…u always make sure
Iam ok and there’s nothing wrong with me…u care about my study, my family
And every little detail u can care about

True love means worry…you leave a huge number of missed calls when my mobile
Is not with me…I call you when I see them…then your voice sounds relieved that
Iam ok… you tell me that you were getting crazy just to think that something terrible
Might have happened to thank god iam not hurt and tell me that you love me
True love means forgiveness… a loving heart can always forgive
And you forgive me when I sometimes hurt you without meaning to
True love means sensing…you know when to talk seriously with me and when to kid
You can feel when Iam feeling bad and know the right words to heal me then…
You know it when I don’t want to talk then you would stop talking
True love means giving…you are ready to give me everything you have…you give
Me your time even if you are busy…you give me the best moments ever in my life
You give me happiness and satisfaction…you give me the feeling that iam not alone
In this life… that you are here with me
True love means sharing…we share the same thoughts…the same dreams and share our love
For many things in life
True love means sacrifice…you can put up with my nervous behavior and be patient
And never tell me that you are fed up and can no longer hold on
Cuz you love me

True match Bare minerals From L’OREAL 2024.

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاتة

حبيت افيدكم بتجربتي مع بودرة المعادن
من لوريال
سعرها 130 ريال
موجودة ماركة لوريال في دبنهامز وهارفي نيكلز
ميزتها انها طبيعية يعني بدون عطور ولا مواد حافظة والمهم انها غنية بالمعادن وفيها نسبة حماية من الشمس وتناسب جميع انواع البشرة.
المجموعة اسمها T rue match Bare Natural minerals من لوريال
منها كريم اساس كونسيلر بلاشر شدو بودرة اللمسة النهائية
والبودرة الي شريتها هذي صورتها تنحط بدون كريم اساس
فقط نحط كريم مرطب وانا افضل كريم نوتراديرم للبشرة الجافة لأنة يمنع القشور الي تطلع بعد المكياج


وننتظر شوي وبعدين نوزع الكونسيلر الي تحسفت اني ما
شريتة 🙁 متوفر بكذا درجة من الفاتح للمتوسط للغامق


وبعد كذا البودرة روعه يابنات مرة تعطي لوك طبيعي للبشرة تتطابق مع لون البشرة ومابين انك حاطة شي وبنفس الوقت تعطي اشراق للبشرة ولوك طبيعي متوفرة بكذا درجة الي عندي لونها GOLDEN SAND
, وبعدين البلشر تقريبا متوفر بـ4 الوان
واخر شي بودرة اللمسة النهائية لون واحد مافي منها درجات الفكرة منها توحد البشرة وتخفي اي علامات فيها سواء خطوط رفيعة او بقع وتتحكم بالدهون


My true loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 2024.

You have always been my true friend.
The fact is not that i will always
have you near me;
but that you will always be near me…….
in my heart.
Forever is a binding word;
but I do care for you
in that way.
Above all else in my life;I find for myself
what,s most true
through knowing you.
So no matter
what time brings, always
know that I love you.
I m so glad
you are my friend
I, m so thankful .
you are my love

true love 2024.

true love

sometimes we fall and get lost
in the long dark ways of this life
but the light that shines from our souls
can always guide us to the right path
this light is our feelings and the true love
we hold for each other and can never hide
get close, stay near me and hold my hand
I need you so bad to hang on and survive

strange but true 2024.

but true!

The scientist thomas young could read when he was two years old, and had read the bible twice when he was four.
He learnt tweleve language as a child , and could play a large number of musical instruments.
By the age of thirteen, the Frinch linguist Champollion had learnt latin, Greek, Hebrew, Arabic, Syrian, Chaldean and Coptic.When he was 21 he solved the mystery of ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic writing