cities & countries game 2024.

Hi EvErY body
Here is the rules of the game

The rules are that you must write a name for

city or country its name must start like the latest

letter from the last word …ok

So, let’s start playing



Exchange / Buy / Sell: Neosurf, Canadian CAD Paysafecard, Mexico MEX Paysafecard, Ukash and from other countries. 2024.

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Unemployment in Arab countries 2024.

Unemployment in Arab countries ..

in 2000 , the world population was 290 millions , and the worker was 104 ( 36%)

and the percentage of unemployment in 2000 was 15.7%

, the department of statistics
( AMPVI ) Jordan , 01-08-2008 , it is clear that 77% of the unemployment for (15-29) Age group.
the central agency for public mobilization and statistics (Egypt)
it was 9.37% at the quarter of 2024 ,and it was 9.42% at the second quarter of 2024
, and it was 8.37% in 2024

author : Omar Khalil (2009)


and what do think about this problems .. please write you’r opinion !!

Countries and Nationalities البلدان و الجنسيات 2024.

Countries and Nationalities البلدان و الجنسيات

في اللغة العربية عادة ما نضيف حرف ”ي“ لاسم البلد و ذلك

لتكوين الجنسية فنقول مثلاً

السعودية : سعودي

أما في اللغة الإنجليزية فهناك خمس حروف محتملة للإضافة و


i, n, ian, ish, ese

و ليس هناك قاعدة ثابتة لهذه الحروف. وهذه بعض الأمثلة:

Country>> Nationality

Britain >British






Saudi Arabia>>Saudi

Oman>> Omani



