* Free Car Park and Wheelchair AccessibilityTea was first drunk in China 4000 years ago and this delicious Finest China Green comes from the Hunan region of South East China.Another use of black tea was in dyes for clothing: the compressed pigmentation caused by the process of making black tea was found to be an effective dye, and became a popular color shade Eastern citizens would wear on the streets.Send to a Friend via EmailMelbourne Micro Roasters is devoted to bringing our customers the best beans from around the world, individually roasted with care and promptly delivered to your location. Experience the joy of freshly roasted coffee with the convenience factor.Q: Now that I am on Crestor, would it be OK if I eat eggs? I have been avoiding them for years because my cholesterol was high. My doctor also is suggesting a low-carb diet because my blood sugar is creeping up. That’s a big switch from my low-fat diet.Orange Pekoe TeaOsteoporosis prevention . Preliminary research suggests that chronic use of black tea may improve bone mineral density (BMD) in older women. Better research is needed in this area before a conclusion can be drawn.