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Words Often Confused 2024.


الموضوع عبارة عن كلمات قد تبدو متشابهة في اللفظ أو المعنى مما يؤدي إلى استعمالها في طريقة خاطئة.

الجزء الثانى

Coarse / Course
1) Coarse
caorse means rough

كلمة بمعنى خشن أو غير لائق

Example: He had coarse manners but an absolutely first-rate mind

His coarse ******** angered us
2) Course

a- course can be onward movement, or a series of studie

كلمة(فصل تعليمي


قد تأتي بمعني سياق الأمور أو دورة

Example: in the course of events

a four-year course in engineering

he took a course in basket weavingb- course can also mean a part of a meal served at one time

قد تأتي أيضا بمعنى جزء من وجبة طعا

Example: The first course was adelicious soup

she prepared a three course meal


Aid / Aide


aid means to give help
فعل بمعنى يساعد

Example: Many volunteers wanted to aid the homeless victims of the fire.

Huge projects designed to aid poorer countries can sometimes do more harm than good


2) Aid
eaide means an assistant or helper

كلمة بمعنى مساعد أو معاون

Example: One of the senator’s aides is calling

Jack is an aide to the Prime Minister


Desert / Dessert

1) Desert

desert means a place of little rainfall

المعنى بالعربي "صحراء


Example: The Sahara is a vast sandy desert

They were lost in the desert for nine days

We had to cross a large area of arid, featureless desert
2) Dessert

Dessert means sweets or the like served at the end of a meal

المعنى بالعربي "الحلوة أو التحلية


Example: For dessert there’s apple pie, cheesecake or fruit

If you make the main course, I’ll make a dessert

Later / Latter
1) Later

Later means more late

المعنى بالعربي "لاحقا

"Example: She arrived on the ferry, and he came later

He later felt that he was wrong

I’ll see you later
He’s going to the store but he’ll be back here later


2) Latter

Latter means the second of two people, things or groups previously mentioned
المعنى بالعربي "الأخير – أي المذكور أخيرا

"Example: I prefer the latter offer to the former one

Between captain and major, the latter is the higher rank

She offered me more money or a car and I chose the latterJohn and Joe were late, but the latter was later


-Morning / Mourning

1) Morning

Morning is the early part of the day

المعنى العربي = الصباح

Example: I spent the morning running errandsThey talked until morning


2) Mourning
Mourning is sorrowing or lamentation

المعنى العربي = الحِدادُ

Example: Shops will be closed today as a sign of mourning for the king

He was in mourning for his wife

Fair / Fare

1) Fair

Fair means just, not bad

المعنى العربي = عادل أو مقبول

Example: It’s not fair that she’s allowed to go and I’mnot

All the workers want is a fair wage for the work that they do

2) Fare

Fare is a price for travel

المعنى العربي = الأجرة

Example: He hadn’t enough money for his bus fare

Pale / Pail

1) Pale

Pale means without much color or light
المعنى العربي = خافت أو شاحب

Example: You’re looking pale – do you feel ill

She went pale with fear
2) Pail

Pail means bucket
المعنى العربي = دلو – سطل

Example: Fill the pail with sand

It took several pails of water


Like / Such as
1) Like

Like is used for resemblances / similarities

Like للحديث عن الشبه

Example: He works like a beaver

He is just like his father

Your necklace is just like mine
2) Such as

Such as is used for examples

تستعمل Such as لإعطاء امثلة

Example: She adores the English novels of manners, such as those by Austen and TrollopeHe considers quiet pastimes, such as reading and chess, a bore

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