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الرئيسية » those words made me cry

those words made me cry 2024.

  • بواسطة

You gave me all that I wanted

You gave me all that I loved

You gave me all your happiness

And took all my sorrows

Remember the good old golden days

That we have spent together

In the arms of one another

Completing each other

The way you look at me

The way you made me feel

Is so afresh till now

It’s so real

You came into my life

Quietly, simply, placidly

Made me feel so special

Gave me all the happiness

All that was required

Now that I need you forever

Wana spend this life together

Y are you going farther and farther

Making my heart beat faster

I am broken, Im dying

Please say that you are lying

You are leaving me behind with all the memories

Taking with you all that I have

Please don’t go, please don’t go

I have loved you each day

Silently admired you, loved you

Please don’t go

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