
Water chemical compound composed of Dhirti atom of hydrogen and oxygen. Spreading water on the ground in various forms, liquid and solid and gaseous. And form a transparent liquid with no color and no taste and no smell. The 70% of the Earth’s surface is covered with water, and water scientists is the foundation of life on any planet. Scientifically called hydrogen oxide
There is water on three cases:
Solid State: The water in the form of ice or snow white shining, there is this situation when the water temperature is less than zero, the centennial.
The liquid state: where the liquid water layer, in which case the most common of the water. There is water in its liquid temperature is between zero percentile, and the degree of boiling is 100 degrees Celsius.
Gaseous state: where the water in the form of vapor, and the water situation different gas temperatures.
Several characteristics of the water made him very valuable in life, industry, agriculture and other areas of life, including: water and called him praising the qualities of the good does not absolve us to acquaint ourselves with the unique characteristics of the water components of chemical compound of hydrogen and oxygen atom of oxygen and hydrogen and Dhirtin atoms form a triangle model of the atom in the head by the shipment of oxygen deprivation and rule on both sides of the shipment of hydrogen Dhirta positive and the architecture of the water in this manner makes it unique as it describes a liquid chemical on the grounds that it departs from the other liquids in many of the characteristics of the characteristics of the water
Water molecules tend to act as groups are interrelated and not Kdzeia separate groups and water molecules containing the voids.
Expand and shrink in cold water, just as all liquids, gases and solids, but the anomalous behavior of water under the terms of the degree of 4 m expand rather than shrink, and this makes the relative weight of any density less rather than more, and thus ease the Firtf to the top and when freezes at zero degrees at the Centennial Tjmayor be only on the surface while in the lower liquid water in the degree of 4 m and the considerable protection of the neighborhoods in which they live in water
Tie acid: water, chemically neutral means, as the degree of acidity or 7 is when the grass roots, and this means that water can not be considered as acid or base, because it is chemically neutral material.
Solvent: water of a solvent, which means that it is possible to dissolve a lot of salt in the water and materials. Water found in nature, there is not pure 100% due to the presence of salts and gases in the water, who by nature. To melt material in the water must contain the free-ion, or that the article Mottagtabp (because the "ideal melting Similarly," water of Mottagtabp for this reason that water is a good solvent for the materials).
Delivery of electricity: water connected to a bad rule for electricity, but water is a solvent material, when salts dissolve in water, or dissolve other substances, water becomes a good conductor of electricity
Sources of water in nature, there is water on three physical situations: – a liquid state: the sea water, rivers, lakes and underground water. – The case of frozen: Kaltheloj and ice surfaces, which we see particularly in the North and South poles and the highest mountains high. – The case of gas: There is water on the gaseous state of any water vapor in the atmosphere. Water is distributed in nature, to: 1) Surface water: This water is in rivers and seas, oceans and ice blocks:
A. Rain water: the purest natural water species, where the dissolved gases in the fall of some Cllacsgen spread in the air and carbon dioxide … Some of suspended solids in the air. B. River water: rivers, mainly consisting of rain, the water contains many dissolved solids due to the flow passing through the different soil types.
C. Spring water: spring water and is divided into two types: small springs and fountains of a large scale.
The water in the oceans and seas: They represent a large proportion.
2) aquifer: the water in the subsoil of the land and groundwater is divided into three types
Types of water:
Water Vorp:
It is the form in which it maintains the same water rates of carbon dioxide, which was before the treatment.
Water is rich in vitamins:
As is clear from the name is added so that the vitamins have more health.
Water springs:
It is untreated water comes from groundwater, but water flowing on the surface of the ground and contain (at least) to 250 parts / million of solids degradation.
Pure water:
Which has been purified by either of the previous means of purification.
Oxygen-rich water:
And contain a reservation to a proportion of 40 times more oxygen than ordinary water.
Natural mineral water:
Which comes from underground sources and contains minerals such as magnesium, calcium, sodium and iron.
Water flavor:
Natural or artificial flavors are often add the mineral water.
Distilled water:
Is obtained by distillation, but are used in chemical laboratories for testing and not to drink.
Semi-alkaline ionic water:
Which electricity is used to separate molecules and freight. In 1966 the Japanese Ministry of Health and the adoption of this type of water to raise the level of formal drinking water.
Dealing with the types of bottled water:
If drinking and do not leave it open for a long time without use of the fact that bacteria, which say where the source of the mouth and the environment in which there are around us.
A bottle of water and how to take care of the important money-laundering and continuously cover the same bottle with hot water and soap when refills .. With the change from time to time.
You can add some elements of the health of a cup water to drink segments, such as lemon or fresh mint Oooorac Alambchor ginger.
To get rid of the taste of chlorine, you poured water in a large bowl and leave for about one hour.