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Anecdotes in American English


Jim walked into a store which had a sign outside:"Second-hand clothes bought and sold."
He was carrying an old pair of pants and asked the owner of the store, "How much will you give me for these?" The man looked at them and then said rudely,"Two dollars."
"What!" said Jim. "I had suggested they were worth at least five."
"No," said the man, "they aren’t worth a penny more than two dollars."
"Are you sure?" asked Jim.
"very sure," said the man.
"Well," said Jim, taking two dollars out of his pocket, "here’s your money. These pants were hanging outside your store with a price tag that said 6.50 dollars, but I thought that was too much money, so I wanted to make sure how much they were really worth."
Then he walked out of the store with the pair of pants and disappeared before the surprised store owner could think of anything to say.


A lot of boys and girls in western countries are wearing the same kinds of clothes, and many of them have long hair, so it is often difficult to tell whether they are boys or girls.
One day, an old gentleman went for a walk in a park in Washington, and when he was tired he sat down on a bench. A young person was standing on the other side of the pond.
" My godness!" the old man said to the person who was sitting next to him on the bench. "Do you see that person with the loose pants and long hair? Is it a boy or a girl?"
"A girl," said his neighbour. "She’s my daughter."
"Oh!" the old gentleman said quickly."Please forgive me, I didn’t know that you were her mother."
"I’m not," said the other person, "I’m her father."

to be continued…

Hi everybody,and thank you so much for your answers. I am very sorry because I dont write so often in the forum. now I come back with new anecdotes.


A young boy was playing with a ball in the street. He kicked it too hard, and it broke the window of a house and fell inside. A lady came to the window with the ball and shouted at the young boy, so he ran away, but he still wanted his ball back. A few minutes later he returned and knocked at the door of the house, and when the lady answered it, he said,"My father’s going to come and fix your window very soon."
After a few more minutes a man came to the door with tools in his hand, so the lady let the boy take his ball away.
When the man finished fixing the window, he said to the lady, "That will cost you exactly ten dollars."
"But aren’t you the father of that young boy?" the woman asked, looking surprised. "No," he answered,equally surprised.
"Aren’t you his mother?"

Mr. and Mrs. Scott moved to a small town, and they made arrangements at the local bank to open an account in both their names. But Mr. Scott was a business man and always worked during the times that the bank was open, so his wife was the one who usually went there when they needed money.
Then one day Mr. Scott had vacation, so he went to the bank, but the bank teller didn’t know him, and wasn’t willing to give him any money until she was sure that he was really Mr. Scott. She said politely,"I know Mrs. Scott, but I don’t know you yet. Could you please show me something to prove that you are Mr. Scott?"
Mr.Scott looked in his wallet and found some photographs of his wife. He showed them to the teller, and she was satisfied and gave him his money

Jonny was nine years old, and he was very bad boy, but his mother always hoped that he would behave better. Then one day, after he had come home from school, Johnny’s teacher called his mother on the phone and said, "Did you know, Mrs.Perkings, that Johnny saved another boy when he fell into the river, while we were out for a walk this morning?"
Mrs.Perkings was very happy when she heard this. She thought,"Johnny’s becoming a good boy." Then she turned to him and said,"That was your teacher. Why didn’t you tell me you had been such a brave boy and saved one of your friends when he fell into the river this morning?"
But Johnny did not look very happy when he heard this. His face became very red, and he said,"Well, I really had to pull him out, because I pushed him in


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